A Powerful Company Culture Empowers People to Make Decisions for Themselves

Regurgitative mission statements and exhaustive lists of values does not make a culture

Jim Farina
5 min readMar 19, 2022
Photo by Damien TUPINIER on Unsplash

Culture eats strategy for breakfast — Peter Drucker, pioneering management consultant

The most effective company culture fosters how team members act both as individuals and in groups. The best leadership in a healthy organization is affected through actions and not words. Good leadership in a company relies more on listening rather than talking.

This means that anybody in an organization can be a leader. You might be a leader yourself and not yet know it. Or you have the leadership potential, and it's a matter of cultivating it over time.

The culture you want to encourage is one where decision-making thrives at all levels of your organization. If you are a person of action, people are likely to follow suit regardless of your role in the organizational structure.

What if your company culture is broken?

I'm a super-sensitive person — It's both a gift and a curse to be an empath. I can walk into an organization for the first time, and within a short time, I can get a pretty good sense if the culture is positive, neutral, or…

