Eighty-Percent of the American Workforce Want a Job Change

If you’re one of them, and you’re good at what you do, here’s some great advice to help break free

Jim Farina
6 min readJan 7, 2022
Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash

I’ve worked various jobs in the span of my years. I’ve enjoyed much of these experiences, and I hated some of my assignments too. Even if they love their work, most people have some aspect of their job that is loathsome.

In all my varied experiences, no matter how shitty the work, I always found the relationships and friendships I formed made any shit job worth suffering.

Now I’m in a place where I both love the job and the people — most of them anyway. I’ve learned getting the most out of any job has much to do with adjusting our mindset.

I’ve worked as a stock boy on a factory line. I’ve cut lenses and assembled eyeglass frames in an optical lab. I’ve worked in and managed retail stores for a prominent footwear chain. I even taught driving lessons for a stint.

The vast majority of my working years were spent in market research, where I wore different hats within the same company. I worked in production and printing, the marketing department as a copywriter, and I currently work for the company in logistics and product placement.

