Everything You’ll Need to Create Your Unique StoryBrand

How to use the seven elements of storytelling to clarify your message and grow your business

Jim Farina
5 min readDec 31, 2020
Photo by Roberto Carlos Roman on Unsplash

Alfred Hitchcock defined a good story as “Life with the dull parts taken out” Good branding is the same.

Do you like a good story with a happy ending? What are your business goals? Are you interested in growing? Do you want loyal clients who won’t dream about leaving for your competition? I know these are ridiculous questions, but being bombarded with so many poorly-crafted messages and websites, we have to wonder what some business owners are thinking.

Many marketing messages are not speaking to the customer’s problem. They are speaking about how wonderful their company is. It might very well be the truth. Maybe you really are the best company providing that particular service you offer, but singing your own praises is the wrong path to follow if growing your business is the goal.

Today's popular mantra is not so much about the destination as it is about the journey —more specifically, it’s about the hero’s journey. And that hero is always your customer. That’s your story in a nutshell, according to New York Times bestselling author Donald Miller, in his…

