Member-only story
Forget About the Elimination of Plastic Straws
Styrofoam is the real enemy to eradicate
Everybody has their unique list of top, convenient take-out food spots when there is either no time or desire to prepare a meal at home. This may be a restaurant that specializes in a more complex, ethnic cuisine. The meal might require some time and effort, and you might have neither. It may be a place for which you get that insatiable taste for a particular meal, a constant nagging urge that can only be appeased by a call to the restaurant for delivery or a trip to that special carry-out spot — when you absolutely have to have it — whatever that “it” happens to be at the time.
After waiting patiently in mouthwatering, anticipation, your food finally arrives. It’s generally packed neatly in a paper or plastic bag; it’s warm and tantalizingly aromatic. The hypothalamus mechanism in your brain begins kicking into overdrive as it fires signals, coordinating all related senses in preparation for your epicurean event.
Very carefully, you transport your meal like some priceless treasure until you reach the table or counter. Your beverage, condiments and place settings are all perfectly staged for the attack. It is now time to carefully, ceremoniously slip the star of the show out to center stage. And then you hear that familiar high-pitched squeaking…