How to Chop Wood and Carry Water Like a Zen Master

It’s not easy being mindful with simple daily tasks, but if we do it more, the benefits are worth the effort

Jim Farina
4 min readJul 29, 2022
chop wood, fetch water by Cornelia Kopp

I got home late from work last night. It was about 8:45, and a favorite dinner was waiting for me. My family ordered from a Mexican place we like and had the food delivered.

My plate of carne asada (flank steak) with a modest side of rice and beans was sitting on the counter, ready to attack. And that’s exactly what I did to that steak — I attacked that piece of meat like a wild dog.

I was hungry, and the steak was juicy and delicious, slathered with fresh salsa and a generous squeeze of lime juice. I was more than halfway through masticating that fantastic piece of flesh when it occurred to me that I was barely enjoying the experience. I took a mindful pause.

I consciously tried to eat slowly, savor each mouthful and enjoy the moment for what it was. I was successful for a time, and then I realized I was reverting to that crazed dog-like behavior again. I had to take another pause.

It’s much like my walking pace. I’m a fast walker by default, and now and again, I think I need to slow down and take in the surroundings more — enjoy a leisurely stroll. Before I realize it, I’m back…

