How to Hygge Your Way Through a Happier Winter

Learn the Scandinavian secret to coziness from some of the happiest people on Earth

Jim Farina
4 min readNov 22, 2023
Photo by Pavan Trikutam on Unsplash

Think about one of the coziest moments you can recall. We’ve all had those priceless occasions when you wish it would never end.

Conjure a time when you basked in the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings of your surroundings — wondering if you can capture the experience for release at some future time. Those moments when you are feeling so warm, at peace, and cozy, it’s surreal.

I think of a time with special loved ones, wrapped in an oversized comforter thick-knit socks, in front of a crackling fire with a steaming-warm drink or a good glass of red wine in my hand—the glass refracting the dancing flames in a unique, abstract way.

Maybe it’s snowing like crazy, and you’re in some rustic spot. The lighting is low. Jazzy music is playing, candles are burning in tinted jars, and there is nowhere else you have to be.

Bread is baking, fresh-popped corn, and a great book is nearby to curl up with. The Danish have a unique name for these experiences, which could be their secret to happiness.

Danes Do Happiness Right

