One Great Strategy for Overcoming Self-Doubt

The process is in the acronym — S.T.O.P.

Jim Farina
3 min readApr 26, 2022


Photo by Jack Sharp on Unsplash

Suppose you come across a posting for your dream job at your dream company. It’s a position that checks all the boxes and sounds perfectly suited for your skillset, with plenty of room for future growth.

You update and polish up your resume, draft a passionate, kick-ass cover letter, and send your application. You get an invitation to come in and chat with team members.

At first, you’re ecstatic. You’ve been dying for this opportunity. Then, for no apparent reason, dread sets in. As you begin reading over the job description, the responsibilities suddenly feel daunting.

You begin doubting your ability to pull it off, even though you’ve spent years preparing for this career. Then you ask yourself, “Am I really cut out for this — am I worthy of this opportunity?” Overcome with self-doubt, you find yourself feeling defeated. You’re unable to imagine a way forward.

There’s an exercise that can help. It uses the acronym: S.T.O.P. Try going through these simple yet effective steps when you begin noticing the feeling of self-doubt creeping through your mind.

S: First, say the word “Stop” It will help interrupt the negative spiral and initiate the process.

