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One Word Can Shape Your Approach to Life

The impact of language and the transforming power of the word "yet."

Jim Farina
4 min readNov 8, 2023
Photo by John Benitez on Unsplash

I was never very athletic. I've never been competitive beyond self-competition. I've struggled with social anxiety and self-esteem most of my life. I tend to choke when things get tough and I'm put on the spot.

All that said, I have always avoided participating in team sports. It's the fear of literally dropping the ball, failing, ridicule, and letting others down.

I'm learning to grow out of that debilitating way of thinking. Life's too short. Lots of people love me despite my shortcomings. Authenticity has been my mantra. The pandemic and losing close family and friends in recent years prompted me to change my thinking.

I jumped on the pickleball wagon this year. I knew I’d have to push myself mentally and physically, and being authentic means embracing where I'm at now—telling others how I feel and not pretending to be something I'm not. And I know if I push through my anxiety, I will only get better if I continue to show up.

So, when I introduce myself to others on the pickleball court, I say something like — I'm a beginner. I'm trying to build my skills and confidence, and please be patient with me.



Jim Farina
Jim Farina

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