Stop Drowning In the Sea Of Anxiety

Here are some tips on surfing the waves of worry

Jim Farina
5 min readJan 20, 2024
Photo by Lisha Riabinina on Unsplash

When it comes to fear, public speaking ranks high for many people. I know it has always been a huge stress point for me. I worry and stress for days before having to deliver a public speech. I need to do it more often to get comfortable with the practice.

It was fine the last few times I gave a talk in public. Not only was I well prepared, but I did a good job and felt pretty silly for all the time and energy I spent agonizing in those days leading up to it.

Why does it feel impossible to avoid fretting about these situations? It doesn’t achieve anything. Paul McGee, the author of How Not To Worry, is loaded with great, simple-to-apply lessons that anybody can use.

Most of the tips are so simple and logical that they serve more as reminders that we should control those things over which we have control and ride out those things that happen to us — surf those waves of life's trials and tribulations.

The book addresses this evolutionary hardwiring and explores ways to overcome this primitively instilled "fight or flight" response.

The author's insights helped me identify the different types of worry, better understand their root causes, and provide valuable tips for overcoming…

