The Most Valuable Gift You Can Give Somebody This Holiday

The beautiful thing about this gift is it comes back to you in equal measure or greater

Jim Farina


Photo by Monika Stawowy on Unsplash

We’ve all been wronged by somebody. And you’ve wronged somebody else in turn, whether you acknowledge the reality or not. We are human, and it’s part of the human package.

Sometimes the infractions are slight. Sometimes it’s caused by a slip of the tongue or a lapse in discernment. I’m most guilty of these, particularly if I’ve had a few too many. Often, what I think are playful comments are insensitive and rude.

In some cases, the wrongs we inflict on others are more serious. Some cut deep. Some actions are truly unforgivable. But there are people, albeit few, who have the super strength to dip deep enough into the well of their hearts to muster forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a costly gift. It’s difficult to extend because it’s such a counterintuitive response to the wrongs done to us. It puts us at risk. We never know how the person we are extending the forgiveness to will respond. Is it better to harbor the contempt? So many choose to cling to it that it might seem so.

Many would say they’ve done me wrong, so they should suffer my anger, bitterness, contempt, wrath, and revenge. Yet, doesn’t this…

