We Don't Need to Reach for The Stars

For most of us, the moon is more than enough

Jim Farina
3 min readDec 24, 2023


Photo by jasper benning on Unsplash

What's your definition of success? Does success translate to happiness? I'm a success story. Perhaps to some, looking at my achievements from the outside, they might consider me a failure.

I barely finished high school. I never attended college. I worked more than half a dozen jobs before landing in a support role at a market research company.

I made the most of that role. I loved the company and took pride in my contributions; I made many great friends and gained the respect of my peers and the organization's owners.

I was paid enough to live comfortably. I had autonomy, flexibility, and endless benefits. I never missed a family event. I retired this year feeling incredibly thankful and fulfilled. Success is not measured by anyone else but me.

I made it to the top, as far as I'm concerned. Those on the outside looking in might say I was nowhere near what they imagine as the bar of success. Your definition of "making it to the top" does not have to be society's or anyone else's definition. I do me, and you do you.

Society has its own ideas of what success looks like. A nice house, an impressive title, lots of money, a jetset lifestyle. None of those equates to happiness or…



Jim Farina
Jim Farina

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